About Digital Literacy


➡️ By definition:
Digital literacy is an individual’s ability to find, evaluate, and communicate information using typing or digital media platforms. It is a combination of both technical and cognitive abilities in using information and communication technologies to create, evaluate, and share information.

The need for digital literacy is at its peak,as the human era has recently developed from gears and hammers into silicon and electrons. We as humans have developed through years and years of evolution and development into creating the most efficient tools and mechanisms that are able to give us the lease and roam around the world with no boundaries.The tool that I call that is the “Internet”. The internet is purely an invention of humans and has commended the humankind in such a way that is to affect the generations to come. But at the same time,this has caused a gap of knowledge of between the people who’re known about the technology and who’re comepletely unknown about it.

Why is digital literacy important?

Since,the world isn’t all as developed uniformly as it has to,it is for sure that digital literacy is a term,only focusing on the developed/developing countries as the jargon we’re using doesn’t make sense for the people of ethiopia. So, the digital literacy is severely important, as most of the countries have been polluted with gadgets but haven’t have the the people without digital knowledge been given the proper exposure to learn about the technology. But at the same time technologies are being emphasized and embedded in daily acitivities. This what makes the people of lack of knowledge fall into the gap, a void. So,it is important to fill up this void, this gap in knowledge to make the everyday living of the people too in the same page as us.

How to be digitally literate:

In today’s world,digital literacy has only associated itself with the literacy of digital gadgets and mobile phones.But in nature,it is actually not just related to information literacy but also with curiosity. It is not about how much one is literate about a subject of digital gadgets, but what he does with the information he has. As a person born as a Gen-Z, I can’t call myself digitally illiterate at any point of my life. But for my parents who have lived to see the transition of the world from no digital devices to being full of them, are expected to be digitally illiterate.

But their age doesn’t hold their curiosity, my father calls himself a digitally illiterate but tries to use his phone to everybit, doesn’t know about it, but tries to rummage over everything configuration he is allowed.

This is what being digitally literate is,not about being able to only tap buttons to make something magically happen,but use digital things to your liking and your advantage as you like.

this is an assignment in the course ENGT105